About Abundant Love
Subject: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love…”
To: You
From: Kim Knowle-Zeller & Erin Strybis
Hey friend! We’re so glad you’re here.
We think it’s safe to say that, after enduring the marathon that was 2020, we could all use a little extra love, sweet love in our lives. We are tired and grieving and limping into 2021 with a little more grit and gratitude than before. We’ve changed. And we are thirsty for good news.
What hasn’t changed is God’s promise that, through Jesus, we “may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
Some mornings, though, you wake up late, the children — the little angels — won’t stop whining and you slip up and lose your cool. Or you see a news story that sends you reeling and into a state of panic scrolling and when you finally look in the mirror you find bloodshot eyes and a new gray hair sprouting and you just want to crawl back in bed and wake up in a different decade.
God’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” doesn’t really resonate because neither are appealing at the moment. Life seems anything but abundant. (Just us?)
God’s love is for us and abides in us, but sometimes it can be tough to uncover. Sometimes it’s easier to focus on what we think we need to do to achieve love and acknowledgment. Yet, God’s word reminds us over and over again that our worth is found not in what we do, but in who we are as God’s beloved children.
Consider Abundant Love as an antidote to your hard days and a boost for the good ones. From Feb. 10-17, we’ll be sending you a love note. Each morning you’ll find an email from us containing a Bible verse, reflection, questions for pondering and a spiritual practice to try. We’ll explore 1 Corinthians 13 and share personal stories with the hope that we might illuminate God’s abundant love for you and all of humanity. In a world that feels all too often to be spiraling out of control, we’ll root ourselves in God’s goodness and healing.
We pray you’ll walk away from your devotional feeling refreshed, loved and inspired to share love with others.
It all starts Feb. 10, 2021. Ready to join us? Click the button below to sign up.
About us
We are both mothers, writers, encouragers and Lutherans who want to share the radical freedom found in God’s grace.
Kim is a pastor in the Lutheran church, writer and mother living in Central Missouri with her husband and two children under 6. Her stories on faith and motherhood have appeared in The Christian Century, Living Lutheran, The Episcopal Cafe, Coffee + Crumbs and more.
An avid walker and reader, Kim shares her heart and writing in her monthly Walk and Talk newsletter. Find her on Instagram: @kknowlezeller.
Erin is an editor of Living Lutheran and a freelance writer whose stories on motherhood and/or faith have appeared in The Washington Post, The Everymom, Coffee + Crumbs Gather and more. She is mama to Jack, who’s turning 4 at the end of January (?!). He grew so fast, just like they said he would, and she remains astonished by all he is and is becoming. Raising him is the joy of her life.
When she’s not chasing stories (or her preschooler!), Erin writes Nourish, a newsletter to help you be kinder to yourselves and others. Find her on Instagram: @erinstrybis.
Thanks for being here!
We hope you’ll join us for Abundant Love — and help us spread the word about this devotional series beginning Feb. 10, 2021.